Jun 16, 2016
REVIEW: ALIEN VS. MUSICAL BY RYAN M. LUÉVANO The battle between alien and musical theater characters continues at this year’s Hollywood Fringe Festival as the infamous musical Alien Vs. Musical is back with a new and extended version. Creators Erik Przytulski and Steve Troop have developed a piece that’s both the product of the edgy […]
Jun 11, 2016
REVIEW: THUG TUNNEL BY RYAN M. LUÉVANO Original musicals are one of the most difficult things to write and in the case of Hollywood Fringe, sometimes just as difficult to sit through. This is because often writers simply are not aware of the intricacies involved in writing a good musical—this is a especially a challenge […]
Jun 9, 2016
INTERVIEW: Erik Przytulski and Steve Troop BY RYAN M. LUÉVANO Last year the syfy comedy musical Alien Vs. Musical landed at the Hollywood Fringe Festival winning: Best World Premiere Production, Outstanding Songwriting and The Encore! Producers Award. Now creators Erik Przytulski and Steve Troop are back with a new and extended version of this blockbuster […]
Jun 8, 2016
REVIEW: THIRTEEN’S SPRING BY RYAN M. LUÉVANO In this year’s over 300 Hollywood Fringe theater works, you’ll find that most of them are comedies, upbeat musicals, edgy or experimental works. The Moving Art Collective brings us something different and poignant, the world premiere of Thirteen’s Spring, a historical drama about Anne Frank. At this point many […]
Jun 7, 2016
Interview: Kat Primeau and Molly Dworsky BY RYAN M. LUÉVANO Born out of a completely improvised idea Robot Teammate & The Accidental Party bring the collaborative musical Thug Tunnel to this year’s Hollywood Fringe Festival. With a title like that the show’s plot does not disappoint, this epic dystopian story relates what happens when the […]
Jun 5, 2016
REVIEW: BROADWAY NOIR BY RYAN M. LUÉVANO One of the best things about the Hollywood Fringe Festival is that you can see a huge variety of theater works in all stages of creation from experimental, workshop, to a finished product. And time has proven that musicals always require more work-shopping than any other due to […]
Jun 1, 2016
INTERVIEW: DANIEL SUGIMOTO BY RYAN M. LUÉVANO Celebrate the film noir Hollywood legacy on stage in the world premiere musical Broadway Noir written by Daniel Sugimoto, presented by Sugimation Productions for this year’s Hollywood Fringe Festival. This neo-noir musical takes audiences behind the scenes into the shady inner workings of the theatre business. And true […]
May 28, 2016
INTERVIEW: BOB DEROSA BY RYAN M. LUÉVANO Writer Bob DeRosa (Killers, 2010; The Air I Breathe, 2007; and 20 Seconds to Live, 2015) is no stranger to writing exciting action-packed adventures, and now he brings his first play All The Best Killers Are Librarians to the stage at this year’s Hollywood Fringe Festival. The show […]
May 6, 2016
INTERVIEW: LAURA WILEY BY RYAN M. LUÉVANO America’s favorite show to binge watch, Game of Thrones is taking the stage in Winter is Coming: A Musical Parody, produced by Make Believe Stage Productions, at the Hollywood Fringe Festival this June 2016. This original musical farce follows the Starks, Lannisters and Targaryens through Season One/Book One of Game of […]